التدريب الصيفي فى شرة السويس للأسمنت | Suez Cement Summer Internship


التدريب الصيفي فى شركة السويس للأسمنت | Suez Cement Summer Internship 

Suez Cement - Heidelberg Cement Group is pleased to announce the launching of the One-Month Summer Internship Program (Technical Department) starting at 25th of July

The summer internship program is a great opportunity for undergraduates to practice the experience not obtained during their theoretical study, as each intern will have the opportunity to work with our
functional teams to expand his/her exposure to real life work cases/ situations.

What are we locking for 

Technical undergraduates, priority goes to the last two years students -
Engineering: Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electrical majors - Science: Chemistry -
Minimum Grade, Good -
Very Good English Skills -

Accepted Candidates Required papers 

 University letter to the company with last year grade -
 copy of students national  ID -
Copy of students university ID -
 Filled - out the internship application from -
Deadline for applications: 19 June 2021 -

How to Apply 


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